“Walk a cat on a sandy beach” is a common phrase about fuility … but is walking a cat really that difficult? In previous posts, I have espoused how beneficial walking is for your pet and yourself, but I have always done so in the position of a dog owner. For a while I was sure that the process of leash training a cat was indeed futile. That was until I realized that my neighbors walk their cat; could such miracles happen in my backyard? So this blog post is about how to walk your cat so you and your furry baby can enjoy the outdoors together as well as the great exercise that comes along with it!
So, you have decided to start walking your cat. What do you need? Not too much; just a cat harness and a lightweight leash. Do not use a dog harness because, simply, dog harnesses are made with dogs in mind. Keep your furry friend safe and get a cat-specific harness.
Once you get the harness, place it on your cat while they are indoors. Make sure give them treats once they have it on, and then slowly remove the harness. Give treats only while they wear the harness to positively reinforce the situation. Keep this routine going, increasing the time the harness is on your cat.
Next, start walking your cat with a leash inside. Do not add any tension. This may, understandably, confuse your cat the first few times. Keep doing this exercise for a few days, just walking your cat around the house with a loose leash.
Now let your cat walk indoors with a bit of leash tension. A good way to add a bit of tension is to let the leash drag behind the cat as they walk around. It is important that these sessions are supervised as it can become dangerous if your cat gets into trouble.
With that step complete, you can start properly walking your cat indoors. Gently lead your cat in directions to see if they are paying attention to your signals. You can drop treats or hold them in your fingers in order to lure your cat. Reward them when they correctly follow your lead. For a cat, any walking progress is worthy of praise and treats.
Finally, go outside. Make sure the environment is dry and it is not too hot, not too cold. Do your best not to drag your cat, let them walk out the door, entice them with treats if you have to. If your cat is frightened, no need to push anything, stop for the day and try again at another time. Once your cat is comfortable and is walking outside, make sure to take treats with you. Positive reinforcement always works best for cats rather than negative.
And give or take, it should be that “easy”. Frankly, I don’t have a cat, so I am not too sure how easy the steps are but please let us know in the comment section below if it is much more difficult. Thanks again for reading our blog post and we hope you have a great rest of your week!
Source: https://anticruelty.org/pet-library/leash-training-your-cat
Logan Martinez
COO of CanTastic and Trysk Solutions.