Being around a cat can be incredibly enjoyable. Being around a cat can also be absolutely terrifying! This blog post intends on creating a proper road map when it comes to getting near a cat.
But before we get to the meat of the post, I would first like to address that I am a cat person at heart. I love cats and their wildly differing personalities. Some are shy and quiet. Others are energetic and loud. There is no bias or ill-will against cats (or dogs for that matter), both hold an important place in my life and heart.
Step number 1 when approaching a cat: Determine what kind of cat you are dealing with. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself: Is the cat shy? Is the cat hissing at me? Is the cat currently biting me? Am I dealing with a house cat? Should I really be approaching a mountain lion I stumbled across on my hike? Does my presence seem to bother the cat? Is that even a cat, it kinda looks like a dog.
Once you determine the answers to such questions, you need to figure out a plan for “attack”. Now despite the phrasing, don’t physical, verbally, or mentally attack the feline. Your main focus must be on becoming an acquaintance of the cat. However, DO NOT TRY TO BE THE CAT’S FRIEND. Plain and simple, most cats don’t want friends. All of their relationships have to be beneficial for them.
Once you decide the “attack” plan, go into action … but ever so slowly. Cats hate fast movement, which is ironic because they really like to pounce and run and leap on a whim. Also do not talk to the cat like a dog. The cat may think you are talking down to them or may think you are confused since they are not a dog. Never give the cat the upper hand. Speaking of hands, pick the one you value less and extend it towards the cat. Make sure you realize that you are, in essence, giving that hand up as a sacrifice in hopes that the cat will spare you.
Assuming success up to this point, the cat may approach. You may think you are in the clear, but it’s never that simple. The cat must be comfortable to stick around. It does not matter if you are comfortable; ergo, if the cat likes you in a handstand, then you better stay in it!
If you make a wrong move and the cat flinches, do your best to stop any movement and hope that your mistake was not a fatal one. If, instead, the cat runs and hides, the game is over (at least for like 10-15 minutes, but it can be much longer).
If the cat has taken a liking to you by rubbing their face on your hand, then you have succeeded! Of course, this is only a part of the whole process. In other blogs we will discuss how to properly pet, talk to, and remove a cat from your arm, lap, head, etc.
Thank you for reading our blog post today and we hope we have helped you navigate your way around a cat! :)
Logan Martinez
COO of CanTastic and Trysk Solutions.