Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Happy (early) Earth Day! Celebrating the Earth and all she gives us is incredibly important for the CanTastic Team. However, we believe that everyday should be Earth Day (hence the post being a day early). We all have work to do so our planet can stay the beautiful green and blue hues she is today. In this blog we will discuss what we need to do to keep the Earth happy and healthy, and how Climate Anxiety affects us all.

Saving the planet feels like an unbearable task for any group of people to take on. However, our actions have, and will have a huge impact on our community and environment. You may think that the saved water or recycled can doesn’t make an impact, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It takes a large group of people doing anything and everything they can to truly make a difference. Your contribution matters!

If you wish to make a bigger impact, here are some ideas:

Drive less; biking is a sustainable and incredibly healthy alternative for those of us who live in or around cities. Buying long-lasting light bulbs and shopping with reusable bags (versus plastic) will reduce pollution and land-fill mass. Additionally, conserving water allows us to impact the amount of runoff and wastewater that contaminates bigger bodies of water.

There are other ways to help as well. Educating those on best practices, volunteering, and planting a tree can have an immediate impact. Again, any amount of help positively affects our communities and environment.

Despite all this positivity, the reality of our current climate state is a burden on all of us. Many of us have emotional responses to the climate issue because of the dire situation we face. However scary it is, please know that it is totally okay to have such mental and physical feelings. Sometimes it is best to put such worries on the backburner and find ways to relax. Find someone to talk to about your feelings so it is not just your burden to carry. And please know, we are all in the same boat. We have one planet, and we are all trying to turn around the issues that have plagued us in recent years. We are all in this together! :)

We really hope you enjoyed our post and discussion about Earth Day and how we can help. If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out in the comment section below or email us, we would always love to talk! Thank you so much for reading our blog and we hope you have a great Earth Day and weekend!

Sources: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ocean/earthday.html, https://www.npr.org/2021/10/23/1047753592/anxiety-from-climate-change-isnt-going-away-heres-how-you-can-manage-it

Logan Martinez
COO of CanTastic and Trysk Solutions.

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